The Power of Beauty

Have you ever wondered why women are so concerned about how they look? Why they aim to look like the beautiful women they see on the television and in magazines? That?s because beauty is power!

Even way back into ancient times women were concerned about their looks. Think of Cleopatra or Nefertiti who were beautiful women of their times.

The cosmetic industy is well aware of this and that women will go to great lengths to look beautiful. That?s why the cosmetic industry is a multi billion dollar industry.

When you think of beauty you think of what you see on the outside. But beauty is more than skin deep. And beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder! What one may find beautiful another may not. Even though there is no such thing as a definition for universal beauty all women know how to use their beauty to their advantage.

Men fall for this manipulation constantly. In fact they seldom know they?ve been snared into the web with a woman?s beauty. Of course the know when exterior beauty is mesmerizing them but it?s the internal beauty that they have not idea is working. That pouty mouth, those sparkling eyes, that gentle laugh. The power play of the boardroom and the bedroom share many similarities.

It?s a proven fact men are unable to release themselves from the beauty of women. A quick look, a wink, a big inviting smile, a relaxed posture are all indications that a man has succumbed to beauty. Studies have shown even the smartest men go stupid when entranced by the beauty of a woman.

Remember Sophia Loren, Jane Collins, or Jaqueline Bisset. Think about Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Madona, Marilyn Monroe. There beauty had an instant effect on the male population. Not only their exterior beauty but the deeper inner beauty of confidence and mystique that surrounded them.

These women were all show stoppers without even trying. In fact when asked they felt their features were flawed, but men didn?t see it that way. And yet each of these women were totally different in looks and personality. But each brought a certain group of men to their feet. Each had the ability to take the smartest man and turn him into a walking talking zombie stuttering, and staring.

Remember a beautiful woman is more than the exterior shell. Beauty is the whole woman. Personality, charm charisma, seductive sexuality, a smile, or a stance. There are many elements to a womens beauty than capture a mans attention and lock him into a world of bliss.

There is no cure for the poor male population, no pill to pop, no treatment to make them free of the power of a beautiful women. There are no magic bullets to stop the bite of beauty from turning the male population into a drooling idiot or a walking talking zombie. And until there is women will continue to use their beauty as a weapon on the opposite sex. Sorry guys!

Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

Reclaim Your Youthful Appearance Through Emotional Detoxification

What many call emotional baggage is more than just that. More aptly and appropriately called unresolved negative past emotional issues? it has a definite effect on your stress level, your vital life energy resources and therefore on your youthful appearance over the course of your life.

This is clearly evident in individuals whose appearance has deteriorated significantly as a result of having had a hard life.

Another way of proving this to yourself is by simply recalling an unpleasant event/memory that you are still carrying inside and sit with it for a minute or two. As you do notice what happens to your mood, your stress level, your overall energy level etc.

I think you'll immediately recognize that your vital life resources are being significantly strained. The tiredness or heaviness you feel as you do this is clear evidence of that.

Unfortunately many think that by simply ?not thinking? about what they are still carrying this will make the emotional pain go away. Well it only goes away out of your conscious mind and straight into your body where it continues to do the damage at a physical level.

There is now some interesting research emerging that suggests that such negativity can affect the DNA itself structurally and functionally thus leading to the malfunction of other physiological processes in the body. This is what many associate with the process of aging itself.

Until recently the idea that one could actually reclaim the lost vital energy that was parasitically being consumed by such emotional baggage was unheard of.

Now a new modality known as the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) has been shown in thousands of cases to be able to help individuals begin to reclaim significant amounts of their own vital life energy.

When this energy is reclaimed it is found to spontaneously return to the mind and body and supports it miraculously in helping it to restore its vitality, health and youthfulness.

This is akin to saying that the aging process itself is being reversed.

MRP is a process that facilitates the rapid and permanent release of negative emotional life history such as mild, moderate and severely disturbing memories, emotions and beliefs held in the mind/body (also known as the unconscious mind). I call this process ?Emotional Detoxification?.

MRP is a process unlike any other and perhaps the first on this planet to show a real and definite link between the life history one carries inside and its effects on one's health, longevity and youthful appearance.

I have written extensively about MRP here and invite you to read further or to arrange an introductory consultation by visiting the web link below.

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is an Energy Psychiatrist, Healer, Key Note Speaker,Editor of a New Ezine Called Spirituality And Science (which is requesting high quality article submissions) Author of Esteem for the Self: A Manual for Personal Transformation (available in ebook format on his web site), Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Energy Medicine Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being

Web site:

Your Hair Is Communicating What Is Yours Saying?

Stunning! Impressive! Wow! How did they do that? These are all statements that have come to mind when I analyze hairstyles I see on women while I'm out and about. Unfortunately, She did that at home!? What in the world? and No she didn't! also come to mind when I see others.

Maybe it's because I'm a stylist and that's what I do. Maybe it's because I'm a man and I key in on what I like. Maybe I shouldn't care so much...but I do, and the truth is so does everyone else! I'm just honest enough to share this information with you.

I know that it's wrong, but...the same way people judge you by the way you speak, they judge you on how you carry yourself!

Your image is so important, that the best salespeople use it as a selling tool! But don't take my word for it. Think about it! Remember that job you really wanted? You HAD to look your best for the interview...right?

Ever wonder why celebrities spend massive amounts of money on their appearance? It helps them sell themselves. From recording artists, to actors, to models to CEOs! As human beings we get the impression that because they have their appearance together they have their lives together as well.

On the flip side of the coin, when we see people that don't seem to care about their appearance?we get the impression that they don't really care about balance and organization and they are probably not on top of things.

Now I'm not saying these impressions are true, I am merely stating the impressions that we may get.

Let's touch on the statements that various hairstyles make. When I see a woman with a casual look wearing highlights (professional and compliment her entire look) I tend to think of a professional. On the flip side of the coin styles like dreads that haven?t been taken care of, can seem intimidating, rebellious or threatening.

The way you wear your hair, from the messy just got out of bed look to extensions, to dreads, to braids to low/high top fades...your hair is saying something about you! Some people?s styles are inviting. Other people?s looks can be intimidating. Your style may be professional, and then again it may be casual. If you get nothing else from this information, take this with you. Your hair, and your style are nonverbal expression to others.

Your hair is communicating what is yours saying?

Dwayne Pressley is a licensed cosmetologist, hair care consultant, (found at public speaker and author of the internet's scorching hot e-book on the subject of hair What Your Hair stylist Doesn't Want You To Know for more information join the group and/or visit him at

Natural Skin Care What About It?

Consumers are turning to wholesome and therapeutic elements found in Mother Nature for skin care therapies and beauty treatments. There is an awareness of the potentially harmful effects associated with the long term use of synthetic chemicals found in many formulas. To name a few - 1,4-dioxane, a cancer causing contaminant found in cosmetic products; silicone emollients which coat the skin and trap anything beneath it - not allowing the skin to breathe; formaldehyde, cancer-causing vapor that can cause allergies, irritations to eyes, nose and throat, headaches and chronic fatigue.

Few people realize that skin is a ?dynamic tissue?. Up to 60% of the skin products that we apply are absorbed into our bloodstream! Cosmetics, lotions and creams are an important part of life but we need to be aware of the damage chemicals have on our system. The only way to correct this is to find something less harmful. Natural and organic herbal skin care is the answer - grown without synthetic fertilizers, pesticides and genetically engineered seeds.

In the last few years many manufacturers have begun to add vitamins and antioxidants to their formulas. Look for vitamin A to assist in preventing roughness and dryness. C and E are the simplest forms of antioxidants and will help in the prevention of sun damage and in fighting premature wrinkles.

There is some evidence that vitamin C may pass through the skin?s top layer and heal tissue that has been damaged by a burn or an injury. A study recently showed that applying topical Vitamin C, 15 to 30 minutes after UV exposure, sunburn cells decreased and repair to the damage had begun. The one problem of this vitamin is that it is unstable when left open to the air. Research is continuing to optimize this but one consistent way is to use an anhydrous (no water) base cream.

Vitamin D interacts with sunlight to form in our bodies and is considered an antioxidant and an anticarcinogen. Although it can be toxic in large amounts, sunbathing won?t result in an overdose.

Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a soothing plant and the base of many natural cleansing formulas, offering exfoliation, moisturizing and protection. This ?miracle? plant dates back to the time of Cleopatra but was lost for years. It was rediscovered during the Second World War when it was used for treating burn victims. It is now used as an ingredient that will help with antiaging, in the healing of wounds and sun damaged tissue. Apply aloe gel several times a day and watch the redness of a sunburn disappear without peeling.

Topical use of a cream containing 0.5 percent aloe vera extract three times a day for four weeks shows a high cure rate of lesions in psoriasis patients. Further research suggests that this plant may have a mild analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect with no known adverse reactions. The problem of eczema can be addressed with specific ingredients such as aloe vera which provides soothing, cleansing and healing.

A great idea in using natural formulas is to do-it-yourself. To prepare an aloe vera home recipe, take the slippery part from inside the plant, puree in a blender and keep refrigerated. Apply a coat of the gel for 5 minutes and rinse. Over time watch for spots, acne and scars to disappear.

Jojoba Oil
Plant and animal species around the world were being identified and quickly outlawed for hunting and harvesting. The use of products derived from these sources was banned. The endangered sperm whale produced waxes that were greatly valued for their function in cosmetics. During the 60?s and 70?s a liquid wax (jojoba oil) found in the deserts of California, Arizona and Mexico was discovered by scientists. It not only replaced the prohibited wax from the sperm whale but appeared to actually be superior.

This jojoba oil is an excellent moisturizing agent and has spreading and lubricating properties. It leaves a rich non-oily velvety feel and enhances flexibility and suppleness. Studies done at the University of Michigan demonstrated that it is quickly absorbed. Because of this, pores and hair follicles remain open maintaining their proper functioning ability.

Applied directly and as often as required it is known to reduce wrinkles and bring relief to sensitive skin. The desert peoples of Southern California and Mexico had long been using it to treat rashes and cuts because of anti-bacterial qualities.

Many companies and name brands are introducing their all natural skin care lines and in many cases, samples are available to try out their product.

But you, the consumer, needs to realize that any product, natural or chemical based may have side effects. It is most important to read and study the information on your product of interest, know your skin type and what effect you want to achieve.

With so many choices in skin care and beauty products, it becomes confusing as to what is the best value for the money. No one has all the answers. But I do have the time to check out and make myself knowledgeble about what is out there. Many consumers are busy with other things and may not have the time to do the research. I attempt on my sites to give them some answers, or at least point them in the direction that will give them some answers. My sites are and

Beauty and Raw Food

One of the best ways to improve the appearance of your skin is by incorporating raw food into your diet. Beautiful skin starts from the inside out. People who switch to eating mostly raw food often see an improvement in their skin and look younger.

Heating food above 105 degrees Fahrenheit destroys the enzymes as well as up to 50% of the protein and 70-90% of the vitamins and minerals. Eating cooked food overtaxes the body?s enzyme reserves. Eating more raw food decreases the amount of digestive enzymes your body has to produce. Raw foods are foods in their natural state with the enzymes left intact. Enzymes are needed to perform many functions in the body including digestion, assimilation and elimination of food. A drained enzyme supply can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies, premature aging and low energy. Raw foods high in enzymes include sprouts, papaya and pineapple.

Free radicals damage your skin and interfere with collagen production causing premature aging. Antioxidants counteract free radicals that age the skin. Berries, especially blueberries, are potent antioxidants that promote collagen which reduces wrinkles. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit help rid the body of free radicals keeping the skin looking young. Foods high in the antioxidant beta carotene including carrots and apricots protect the skin against sun damage.

CoenzymeQ10 is an effective antioxidant involved in the energy process and present in every cell in the body. CoQ10 levels in the body diminish with age. CoQ10 destroys free radicals and slows aging. Spinach, broccoli and peanuts are foods high in CoQ10.

Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that boosts the strength of other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E, and assists the body?s energy production. Alpha-lipoic acid can be found in spinach, brewer?s yeast, broccoli, tomatoes and peas.

Sulfur is a mineral present in every cell in your body. It is needed in collagen production and for healthy skin, hair and nails. Organic sulfur levels in food are lost when processed, heated or dried. Sulfur is known to help improve skin conditions such as acne. High sulfur content foods include asparagus, broccoli, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, red pepper, garlic, onion, watercress and kale.

Silicon is an essential trace mineral needed for healthy skin, hair, nails and bones. Silicon levels decrease with age. Fruits and vegetables are the richest source of silicon including apples, oranges, cherries, grapes, strawberries, beets, cucumber, carrots and green leafy vegetables.

Phytochemicals are plant chemicals that help the body defend against damage and are said to have anti-aging properties. Phytochemicals can be found in berries, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, spinach, carrots, cocoa and bell pepper.

Raw nuts and seeds are high in Vitamin E which is beneficial to the skin. Selenium keeps the skin elastic and can be found in garlic, onions and shallots.

When the body rids itself of toxins, it passes through the skin which is the largest elimination organ. Raw food increases your detoxification rate. Drinking water helps the body rid itself of toxins. Seaweed is high in vitamins and minerals beneficial to the skin and also helps rid the body of toxins.

To achieve a healthy complexion, drink plenty of water and eat plenty of raw food. What goes into your body is reflective in your overall appearance.

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK:

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